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Art Museums in Manhattan, NY

personal injury lawyer in Manhattan near art museum

Museum of Arts and Design

This article is sponsored by the personal injury lawyers in Manhattan from Banville Law. 


The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), was founded in 1956 by philanthropist and ideologist Aileen Osborn Webb. Since its establishment, the museum has proven to embrace both traditional and modern technological forms are art my creative and innovative methods.

The Museum reflected the evolving roles of craftsmanship in society from its earliest years and acted as a significant advocate for young artists in the industry. In 1986, the Museum relocated to a larger 18,000 square foot establishment as its collection rapidly grew annually.


Enjoy a variety of entertainment at the Museum such as exploring the collections of exhibits, listening to live music in the galleries, and attending any other special event.

The museum has a system of rotating exhibitions for guests to enjoy all year-round. Currently, if you plan on visiting you'll have the opportunity to see the exhibits:

  • Brian Clarke: The Art of Light; an immersive exhibit of over 100 works of stained glass.
  • Beth Lipman: Collective Elegy; a collection of transformed glass, metal, clay, video, and photographs.
  • 45 Stories in Jewelry: 1947 to Now; selection of art jewelry dating back since the mid-century from jewelry artists.

There are many learning opportunities provided by workshops, talks, and seminars, all accessible online.

To shop, visit the store at MAD for a large selection of handcrafted items, design objects, jewelry, home decor, and fashion accessories.

If you enjoy art museums and would love to learn more, visit our next article on the Rockefeller Center, another amazing opportunity to surround yourself with art and motifs that celebrate creativity and inspiration.

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: January 5, 2021
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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