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Experienced New York Train Accident Lawyers

Were You Injured In A Train Accident In New York? 

If you were injured in a subway, train, or commuter rail accident, our legal team can provide you some information on your legal rights as well as answer any questions you may have like: 

  • Can I sue the train station company? 
  • How long will a train accident lawsuit take? 
  • Will I receive enough compensation to cover my medical expenses? 

Our experienced New York train accident lawyers are ready to assist victims injured and in need of compensation. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling our local law office or filling out the contact form on this page. 

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"Because we are your path to justice" - Laurence Banville

NYC is home to the largest public transportation system in America. Every day, over 4,600,000 people use mass transit in our city. That’s 1.7 billion trips per year. And while many of us think nothing of boarding a subway car or train, accidents happen all the time. According to the Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis, the first five months of 2014 saw 4,884 train-related accidents.

America’s governmental agencies have long recognized railway work as one of our country’s most dangerous industries. In fact, employees of railroad companies are compensated for their injuries under an entirely separate system, rather than Workers’ Compensation. But more surprising than that? In general, it isn’t railroad workers being injured, or dying, in accidents. It’s passengers.

Subway, Train, And Commuter Rail Accidents In New York City: The Size Of The Problem

If you were hurt on one of New York’s many subway lines, or taking the commuter train, you know how devastating train accidents can be. Trains are huge, and fast, and structurally complex. But for too long, this nation has done little to make them safer. Last year, Manhattan’s Borough President Scott Stringer made a startling announcement: train-related accidents were on the rise, and climbing fast. You can read his comments in full here. In 2013, New York City saw more than 100 deaths in subway accidents. Even more surprising than Stringer’s announcement? None of it was true.

In fact, New York City’s subway accidents have remained steady over the last five years. As one reporter noted:

  • In 2009, 136 people were struck by trains, and 49 died.
  • In 2010, 127 people were hit, and 51 died as a result of their injuries.
  • In 2011, 146 people were struck, and 47 killed.
  • In 2012, 141 people were hit by subway cars, and 55 were killed.

The problem is obvious, and astounding. But does it have to be like this? Just because subways and commuter trains are huge, moving objects does not mean that their use must threaten passengers’ lives.

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Train Accident Lawyer New York CityTrain and LIRR accident Lawyer New YorkPhiladelphia Amtrak Train Derailed
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Is There A Prevention In Place?

Most trains operating in New York are owned by the government. And like all governmental agencies, these companies enjoy numerous legal protections that individuals do not. The large number of train companies operating in NYC only adds to the problem. Your accident may have occurred on a train or in a station owned by one of the following:

  • Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
  • MTA Long Island Rail Road
  • MTA Metro-North Railroad
  • Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH)
  • AirTrain JFK
  • New Jersey Transit
  • AmTrak

But when engineers, maintenance workers, and their managers act negligently, with disregard for the safety of others, they can and should be held accountable. If you were hurt, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help.

Common Subway & Train Accident Lawsuits

Despite the numerous federal and state regulations instituted to keep us safe, train accidents can, and do, happen for many reasons. Did your accident involve:

  • A car struck by a commuter train?
  • Hit crossing train tracks?
  • Subway or train car derailment, coming off the track?
  • Electrocuted on a train track?
  • Fall off the platform onto train tracks?
  • Hurt by broken turnstile?
  • Slip and fall in a subway station?
  • Assaulted or robbed because of insufficient security?

These accidents can be prevented, and many are the direct result of negligence.

What Should I Do After A Train Accident In New York?

The train accident lawyers at Banville Law fully understand how hard it may be for you and your family. You may face significant medical expenses, time away from work, and a range of difficult emotions. We offer compassionate, thorough legal counsel for anyone injured in a New York subway or train accident, state-wide. Our mission is to make you feel comfortable, ensure that you know about your rights, and hold any and all guilty parties responsible. You deserve compensation for your injuries, and we want to help.

Banville Law is based in Manhattan, but we assist clients to bring claims against train and commuter companies all over the state of New York.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us today. You can schedule a free consultation.

To learn more about personal injury cases, visit:

subway infographics
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