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Queens Taxi Cab Accident Attorneys

In terms of taxi cab traffic, Manhattan dwarfs all of New York City’s other boroughs, accounting for 90.3% of all taxi pickups. Queens, on the other hand, makes up only 1.5%, according to recent data released by New York City’s Taxi & Limousine Commission. You can find the full study here.

Taxi Accidents In Queens

But Queens is also home to JFK International Airport and LaGuardia, and New York City’s airports are hubs for taxi activity. 3.5% of all taxi pick-ups occur at either JFK or LaGuardia, almost 6,500,000 trips each year. And, because JFK is located at the southeastern tip of Queens, cabs have to travel the borough’s entire length to reach Manhattan, where most cab riders are dropped off.

This creates a particularly dangerous environment for Queens’ pedestrians. Despite its relatively low population, Queens was New York City’s most dangerous borough for pedestrians in 2013, accounting for a staggering 46 deaths. If you were struck by a taxi, visit our “Pedestrian” page here to learn more about how Banville Law can help you.

The Center Of New York City’s Cab Industry

More taxi drivers live in Queens than any other borough. 43% of New York City’s more than 50,000 cab drivers live in Queens. This fact is directly connected to another, “most taxi garages are located in Northwestern Queens.” And, as could be expected, the borough sees a large spike in taxi fare pick-ups during the early morning, between 4 and 8 a.m. Cab drivers leave the garage at the beginning of the morning shift and pick up the closest fare. Because the garage itself is in Queens, the first fare usually is, too.

Even though most taxi trips begin in Manhattan, many end in Queens. According to the TLC, 13% of all taxi drop-offs occur in Queens. Obviously, the borough is the unofficial capital of New York City’s taxi industry.

Contact A Taxi Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in a taxi accident in Queens? The personal injury lawyers at Banville Law are dedicated to representing the rights of accident victims throughout New York. If your cab crash was caused by driver, taxi management company, or vehicle manufacturer negligence, our attorneys will pursue the maximum compensation New York City law allows.

Are you ready to begin seeking justice? Contact the Queens taxi accident lawyers at Banville Law and schedule a free consultation today. If you're closer to Staten Island, contact our local office:

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