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Can I Sue Uber Eats For A Car Accident?

Can I Sue UberEats For A Car Accident

Were you recently injured in an accident with an Uber Eats?

In the past, food delivery was up the restaurant to offer. Now many people count on food delivery services, such as Uber Eats. This convenient service has delivery drivers pick up meals at designated dining locations and deliver them to varying customer locations. This may seem like a simple job, but it comes with risks, including being involved in a car accident. Many may wonder if they sue for the financial compensation needed after an auto accident with the food delivery service. Regardless if an Uber Eats delivery driver crashed into you or if you were delivering for Uber Eats and another vehicle crashed into you, our team of experienced food delivery injury attorneys can help. 

Our Car Accident Lawyers Serve:

What do I do if I was in an accident with an Uber Eats Driver? 

The first thing is to get the medical attention needed for any injuries sustained during the accident. Your health should be your top priority. If you suspect the Uber Eats driver caused the accident, you should get the driver and vehicle's information. This can include the driver's license and insurance information, similar to any other car accident. If possible, take photographs of both the accident and any injuries sustained. You may also ask for witness information that may be beneficial in the future. Lastly, get legal assistance as soon as possible from an experienced Uber Eats accident lawyer. 

What if I got into an accident while driving for Uber Eats?

Regardless of fault, it is important to report the accident to Uber Eats. You can quickly be compensated for the medical treatment you need by filing an injury claim. Documenting the accident with photographs and even taking a screenshot of your active delivery status can help later when filing a claim. The more information recorded, the stronger your claim.

Can I sue Uber Eats for compensation after an accident?

Whether you are driving for Uber Eats or hit by a Uber Eats driver, you may be entitled to compensation. The food delivery service has insurance that covers its drivers when actively making a delivery. However, it will be necessary to prove negligence was a factor. 

If a negligent Uber Eats driver caused the accident, the victim may have grounds to sue Uber Eats for injuries sustained. Negligent drivers include those distracted by their phones or traveling recklessly or even at accelerated speeds. Compensation may be used to pay for:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Death benefits
  • Punitive damages

If you are a driver for Uber Eats and get into an accident, you may be covered if you were on an active delivery. The driver may be covered by the company's insurance from the time the order is accepted until the delivery is finalized. Trust our accident attorneys to provide you with all the information you need to successfully get compensated by Uber Eats for any injuries sustained. 

Legal recourse for Uber Eats food delivery accidents.

Our experienced Uber Eats accident lawyers guide victims injured in accidents ensuring they get the maximum compensation they deserve. Call today to schedule a free consultation to learn how they can help you after an accident involving a food delivery service like Uber Eats.

Do You Qualify?
  • Details
  • Incident
  • Aftermath

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: February 15, 2022
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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