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Can I Sue If I Was Hurt By A Slip & Fall Accident At A Concert?

Hurt at a concert? There are so many things that need to happen in order for a concert to take place and entire crews of people are tasked with setting up and tearing down the stages, rigging, and other components of the show. In addition to the actual show, numerous vendors selling t-shirts, souvenirs, food, and drink.

It doesn’t matter if the venue is large or small, indoor or outside, the fact of the matter is that each venue has hazards in it that could potentially result in a slip and fall accident and it is the responsibility of those in charge to ensure that concert-goers are not hurt by those hazards.

Who Is A Concert Lawsuit Filed Against?

This is a great question but until we review your case, we can’t accurately determine who was at fault. We can tell you, however, that in the past we have filed lawsuits against:

  • Singers & Bands
  • Venue Owners
  • Security Companies
  • Construction Crews
  • Contractors
  • Managing Companies
  • Individuals

No two cases are exactly alike and so the defendants named in each case will vary. It is also possible that more than one party can be found at fault and the lawsuit will be filed against each party.

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Common Causes Of Slip & Falls At Concerts

Anyone anywhere could become the victim of a slip and fall accident. During concerts, the most common causes of this type of accident include:

Loose Wiring

Nearly everything at a concert requires electric in order to function which means that electrical cords must be run throughout the venue. This often requires those lines to be placed across pathways where attendees will be walking. Coverings, often in the form of rubber cable protectors and covers should be used so that visitors to the venue don’t catch their foot on a wire and hit the floor as a result.

Cracked Flooring & Sidewalks

Over time with consistent use, all types of flooring wear down and can become damaged. All it takes is a small uneven part of the floor to send someone tumbling. In addition to issues with inside flooring, when the earth shifts, cracks, and uneven parts appear in the sidewalks that visitors will be expected to use outside.

Typically these indoor and outdoor surfaces are very hard, making it easy for anyone who falls to become injured.

Broken Steps & Handrails

If the venue has stairs it’s important for the steps and handrails to be well maintained, otherwise, a step may collapse under the weight of a concert goer or the handrail may collapse while a visitor is using it for support. In a matter of seconds, they may go from the top of the stairway to the bottom, taking down anyone who is in front of them.

Spilled Fluids

Chances are that someone will spill a drink during the concert or that some other form of liquid will be spilled. It is the responsibility of those in charge of the venue to find these spills and clean them up in a timely manner while warning others to avoid the spot.

Poor Lighting

It might seem obvious that concerts would have poor lighting – after all, the best light shows are viewed in the dark. While this may be true of the main concert area, venues must still provide proper lighting in other areas, such as the hallways leading to food or restrooms.

Can Slip & Fall Injuries Really Be Bad Enough To File A Lawsuit?

Absolutely. It can be difficult to comprehend until it happens to you, but serious injuries can be sustained in a slip and fall accident. In the past, our law firm has handled cases where the victim sustained:

Brain Trauma

If the head strikes concrete or any other hard object, the brain may literally bounce off of the hard inside of the skull. This can result in bruising, swelling, bleeding, and even tissue death. Depending on the severity of the trauma, the patient may have difficulty with speech, movement, memory, and may even go into a coma or die.

Spinal Damage

Broken vertebrae, slipped discs, and spinal cord damage can all result in extreme lifelong pain, issues with fine motor movements, or even paralysis.

Nerve Damage

Nerves can be crushed or cut if a victim lands on an inanimate object and become impaled or otherwise harmed.

Broken Bones

As everyone knows, even the smallest of fractures can take weeks or even months to heal. If the break is bad enough, however, it can actually protrude through the skin causing damage to the surrounding nerves, muscle, and tissue. These types of break often require surgical fixation and can result in the permanent reduction of the range of motion in that limb.


Depending on what the victim hits when they fall, a deep laceration can occur which may require a surgical fix and can do serious damage to the nerves, tendons, and muscles.

Each of the above injuries may cost a victim thousands of dollars to treat and if the damage is permanent, it may even cost them millions over their lifetime.

A lawsuit can provide full compensation for these medical bills, as well as compensation for any lost earnings, physical pain and suffering, and emotional trauma.

What Is The Legal Process Like?

All of our clients come to us wondering what the legal process will be like and what will be expected of them during this time. Our legal team will happily go over the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit with you, including the following stages:

Filing Initial Court Papers

Legal documents called “pleadings” will be filed with the court. This paperwork will include the complaint being made by the plaintiff and once this paperwork has been filed, a summons will be sent to the defendant, informing them that they are being sued. The summons includes a set date and time by which they must respond to the complaint.

The defendant will then issue a response, also known as an “answer”. This answer can be one of three things:

  1. Admitted
  2. Denied
  3. Insufficient Knowledge To Admit Or Deny

The Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is typically the longest period of time in the lawsuit. During this period, your legal team will work to collect all the evidence needed to support your claim. This may include:

  • Documents & Reports
  • Witness Statements
  • Depositions
  • Video Evidence
  • Photographs

Pre-Trial Settlement Offers

Either party has the option of making an offer to settle outside of court and often, this is how cases are resolved. It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to accept an offer to settle and your lawyer can negotiate for a better settlement on your behalf.


If a settlement can’t be reached, the case will go to trial. Our legal team understands how stressful this may be for some clients which is why we work to prepare you for this possibility from day one so that you feel confident in the courtroom.

While a lawsuit will take at least several months to reach its conclusion, don’t let this deter you from moving forward. Building a strong case takes time and this may be the only way for you to recover compensation for your losses after being hurt at a concert.

Why Should I Choose Banville Law For My Slip & Fall Case?

Choosing a legal team is a very personal decision and one that we respect. Before deciding to work with us we encourage you to speak with several law firms so that you can make the choice that is right for you.

If you decide to work with Banville Law you can rest easy knowing that our legal professionals will be there to support you every step of the way. We fully understand the stress that you are under and our goal is to carry as much of your burden as possible so that you can focus your energy on healing and building a better future.

To learn more about our team, our past cases, and how we can help you, contact our law firm now.

Find related articles on concert accidents: 

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  • Aftermath

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