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Fine Dining In Yonkers

Yonkers injury attorney near restaurant

X2O Xaviars On The Hudson

Banville Law's experienced Yonkers injury attorneys favor hosting business meetings and luncheons on the water at this delicious fine dining restaurant and have sponsored this article for your entertainment.

The Hudson River's only turn of the century Victorian pier still in use, belongs to Peter X. Kelly and is home to X20 Xaviars. The 25-foot vaulted ceiling and three glass frame walls of X2O's Main Dining Salon provide views of the George Washington and Tappan Zee Bridges, as well as sunsets across the Palisades.

Known as one of the most critically acclaimed restaurants in New York, X2O Xaviars set standards high for all restaurants in the surrounding areas.

Bringing fine dining to a new level, the Contemporary American Cuisine has guests swooning over every exquisite dish and the outstanding customer service.

Owner Peter has appeared on Iron Chef America, where he used his culinary skills to out beat the famous Bobby Flay and has made appearances on Food Channel TV Network, CBS and NBS.

The Experience

Choose from a high-class brunch, lunch, or dinner to enjoy the beautiful scenery and amazing entrees.

Sunday Brunch includes a delicious three-course meal with an unlimited prosecco for everyone to relish.

Lunch and Dinner provides guests with a mouthwatering menu filled with fresh seafood and steak options along with exploratory appetizers and delectable desserts.

When planning a special event, keep Xaviars on the Hudson in mind. With two restaurants, a landmark building, and a private garden, you can selectin your ideal location based on your unique needs.

Whether you prefer the urban waterfront setting or the country living feel, Xavier's will provide exceptional service and outstanding food for your event.

Yonkers is also filled with lots of family fun entertainment to take advantage of, like exploring one of the largest parks nearby.

Our Local Office

At Banville Law, our experienced injury attorneys in Yonkers have been providing legal services for victims of accidents for years. If you or someone you love has sustained injuries caused by an incident, contact our legal team to schedule your free consultation.

Banville Law
11 W Prospect Ave #37,
Mt Vernon, NY 10550, USA
(914) 825-4117

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: March 20, 2020
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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