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High-side and Low-side Motorcycle Accident Crashes Explained

High-side and Low-side Motorcycle Accident Crashes Explained

The use of motorcycles as a form of transportation has increased in recent years. In fact, over 11 million motorcyclists ride in this country alone. The use of motorcycles for commuting, racing, and recreational purposes has greatly increased. As a result, motorcycle accidents are increasingly common.

At Banville Law, we represent victims of low-side and high side motorcycle accidents in New York. These accidents include motorcycle accidents caused by speeding cars, negligent motorists, and defective motorcycle parts. Our motorcycle accident attorneys know what to do and how to fight for your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one was involved in a motorcycle accident in New York.

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What Is A Highside and Lowside Motorcycle Crash?

The motorcycle industry is dangerous, with riders often facing the risk of serious injury or worse. Many riders are well aware of this danger, but few understand what causes most crashes and how to best protect themselves against them. This article will explore two common types of crashes: low-side and high-side crashes. What exactly do they mean? How can they be prevented? Read on to find out more about these potentially deadly events and ways to stay safe while riding.

Part suspenseful narrative and part informative guide, this article will delve into the science behind low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes – detailing their respective dangers – as well as discussing measures that can be taken by motorcyclists in order to reduce the likelihood of either occurring during their rides. With an understanding that such risks are essential for any rider’s safety strategy, readers must heed if they wish to remain free from harm when taking to the roadways on two wheels.

With all its potential hazards waiting around every corner, it pays for riders everywhere to arm themselves with knowledge before taking off on their next journey; know your enemy so you may better avoid them! The following piece seeks to provide just that – arming readers with everything necessary to help keep them away from both low-side and high-side collisions. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a crash course in motorcycle safety as you prepare for your next ride.

Definition Of A Low-Side And High Side Motorcycle Accidents

A low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes are two of the most common types of motorbike crashes. Low-side accidents occur when a biker's rear wheel loses traction with the road, causing them to slide out from underneath their bike at an angle. High side accidents happen when the front tire suddenly regains grip on the road, which can cause the rider to be thrown over the handlebars in a forward motion. Both these types of accidents can result in serious injury or death for riders if they're not properly prepared with safety gear such as helmets and protective clothing.

  • Lowside crash - This type of crash occurs when the rear wheel skids or slides out from under the rider due to losing traction with the ground surface due to too much speed or incorrect cornering techniques. Too much front brake or braking mid-corner can also lead to a skid.
  • Highside crash - A high-side crash results when one wheel starts to lift up due to uneven weight distribution, usually caused by hitting a bump with the front wheel while braking or accelerating a turn. As this wheel lifts, it causes more grip on the other wheel which can cause the bike to shoot forward and throw its rider off violently.
  • Loss of control - Low side wrecks and high side wrecks may also occur due to poor riding skills, mechanical failure, road conditions such as potholes, debris, gravel or oil spots, faulty brakes, loose suspension parts etc., all resulting in loss of control over the bike's movements.
  • Impact Force - The impact force generated upon landing after the rider is thrown from a moving motorcycle in either situation could result in serious injury for both driver and passenger(s).

As with any type of vehicle accident, prevention is key when it comes to avoiding both low-side motorcycle accidents and high-side motorcycle crashes. Motorcyclists should always wear appropriate safety equipment, including helmets, gloves, long pants and jackets, eye protection, and boots whenever riding. Furthermore, all riders must adhere strictly to traffic laws and regulations so that they do not increase their chances of being involved in an accident by putting the motorcycle and rider or anyone else at risk. Understanding what causes each type of crash is also beneficial so that riders can take whatever steps necessary to avoid becoming part of this statistic altogether.

What Causes Low Side And High Side Motorcycle Crashes?

Low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes are like a rollercoaster ride gone wrong, with the rider thrown off in an unpredictable manner. It is important to understand what causes these types of crashes so that riders can take steps to reduce their risk of being involved in one.
Rear tire traction loss is at the heart of low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes. The rear wheel will lose traction when it slides out from underneath the bike due to excessive acceleration or deceleration, sharp turns, uneven surfaces, sudden braking, or other unexpected circumstances. When this happens:

  • Low Side Crash: The rider will be thrown off the bike as it tips over on its left side while still sliding forward;
  • High Side Crash: The momentum generated by the slide forces the rear wheel back onto the track quickly, which then throws the rider off violently backward.

In both cases, if there's nothing preventing them (like trees, curbs, etc.), riders may have time to regain control before they hit ground level, but usually, they won't be able to react fast enough as the crash is more dangerous. Understanding how to prevent such situations is essential for any motorcyclist looking to stay safe on two wheels.

Riders should practice proper cornering techniques and keep up with regular maintenance and safety checks on their bikes - especially tires - to ensure optimal performance in all conditions. Moreover, always wear protective gear, including helmets and gloves, regardless of whether you're a beginner or advanced biker, because even minor accidents could cause serious injuries if not appropriately managed.

Impact Of a Side Motorcycle Accident On Riders

Motorcycle crashes are common occurrences on the road and can have a significant impact on riders. Low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes, in particular, pose unique risks to bikers due to their specific dynamics. In a low-side crash, the bike slides out from underneath the rider while traveling at speed. This results in a sudden loss of control over the motorcycle, which can cause severe injuries or even death for the rider. High-side crashes occur when a biker suddenly releases pressure off the brakes during acceleration; this causes excessive torque, which can throw them directly off their bike into the air with catastrophic consequences. Most frequently, it happens when a rider overcorrects a rear-wheel slide.

Both types of motorcycle accidents have serious repercussions for those involved. The potential physical trauma caused by such incidents is well documented, ranging from broken bones to head trauma or spinal cord damage, depending on severity. Psychological implications can also arise after such events as fear around riding again may take hold over time, especially if a traumatic experience is associated with it. It is important for individuals who were involved in any type of motorbike crash to seek professional medical advice as soon as possible so that appropriate treatments can be initiated to reduce long-term effects and minimize recovery timescales where applicable. Mental health support should also be considered, given its importance in promoting general well-being following these unfortunate instances.

Traction And Its Role In Low-Side And High-Side Crashes

Riding a motorcycle can be likened to riding a wave - the rider must maintain balance and control of their vehicle as they traverse bumps, curves and turns. Traction is at the core of maintaining this balance, allowing the rear wheel to remain firmly connected with the ground surface. When traction is lost and the wheel loses grip, riders may experience a low-side or high-side crash.

Low-side crashes occur when too much grip causes excessive friction between tire rubber and road surface. This causes the rear wheel to lock up suddenly and typically sends the bike sliding sideways in an uncontrolled manner. Regaining traction requires quick action by experienced riders who are able to coordinate their body movements effectively while relying on instinctual reactions that come from years of practice. Inexperienced riders will often find themselves unable to regain traction quickly enough, resulting in a low-side crash which can potentially cause serious injury or even death.

High-side crashes occur when there isn't enough grip available due to poor road conditions, making it difficult for tires to generate enough friction against the ground surface. Without sufficient friction, acceleration forces push down on one side of the bike, causing it to lift off from its original position and twist uncontrollably around its center axis before landing violently on its side. These types of crashes tend to have more severe consequences than lowsides since exiting the vehicle during midair flight becomes inevitable without proper body coordination techniques employed beforehand.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

The horror of a motorcycle crash is never far away. Low-side and high-side crashes can have particularly devastating effects, leaving riders with severe or fatal injuries.

Here are some of the common injuries associated with such accidents:

  • Fractures – Broken bones in the arms or legs being common due to impact forces when coming off the bike.
  • Soft tissue damage – Wearing protective leathers can help reduce the impact but ligament tears, muscle strains and sprains are still likely.
  • Head trauma – The rider hitting their head on the ground after they come off has been known to cause concussions and more severe brain trauma in extreme cases.
  • Spinal cord injury – A low side crash tends to be worse for this type of injury due to increased force from falling sideways onto one’s back or neck, as opposed to a high side where there may be less rotational force at play.

Although both types of motorcycle accident involve loss of traction on either side wheel, how that manifests itself varies greatly depending on what caused it; it could be anything from riding over an oil slick too quickly to having a tyre blowout at speed. Whatever the cause, the result can often mean very serious physical repercussions for those involved which should not be underestimated - even if you practice defensive driving techniques, sometimes these incidents just cannot be avoided.

How To Prevent Side Crashes?

Motorcyclists are responsible for taking proactive steps to avoid low-side and high-side crashes, as these incidents can have devastating consequences for the community. Like any other motorist on the road, it is incumbent upon bikers to behave responsibly when behind the wheel of two wheels. As such, there are several important measures that all riders should be aware of in order to stay safe while traveling:

  • Always wear protective gear - Wearing proper safety equipment is an absolute must when riding a motorcycle to protect oneself from serious injuries. A helmet, gloves, jacket and other items are essential pieces of protection that should never be neglected.
  • Stay vigilant at all times – Motorcycles require constant attention due to their size; anything missed or overlooked could lead to disaster. All drivers should remain alert even when performing simple tasks like changing lanes or signaling turns.
  • Understand braking techniques – Braking safely requires knowing how different bikes handle under various conditions and having confidence in one’s abilities as a rider. Learning how each bike responds differently will help riders know which actions they should avoid making in certain situations in order to reduce risk.
  • Avoid distractions – Distractions increase risks exponentially since motorcycles give little room for error; it is critical that riders remain focused on both short and long-term objectives while driving so mistakes don't happen unnecessarily. Common distractions include cell phones, conversations with passengers/other drivers, and things like loud music or daydreaming about upcoming events or activities.
  • Monitor your speed – Excessive speeding not only increases the chances of getting into an accident but it also reduces reaction time if something unexpected happens suddenly on the road ahead. No matter what type of vehicle is being driven, all motorists owe it to themselves and those around them to follow posted speed limits and adjust accordingly depending on weather/traffic conditions present at that time. The best way to avoid a highside is smooth throttle control.

It goes without saying that following these guidelines does not guarantee complete prevention of crashes involving motorcycles; however, taking these precautionary measures seriously can help minimize the potential damage caused by low-side and high-side accidents while keeping everyone involved safe along the journey ahead!

Why Do I Need An Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney in MD?

Motorcycle accidents are a heartbreaking reality for many riders and their families. Experienced motorcycle accident attorneys can play an invaluable role in navigating the aftermath of such devastating events. The need to understand low-side and high-side crashes is paramount, as these two types of crashes have distinct differences that require unique legal approaches. Like two sides of a coin, both must be understood for effective representation.

Low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes stem from different causes and present individualized challenges in terms of medical care, insurance coverage, liability claims and even criminal proceedings. In understanding the difference between the two crash types, it is important to recognize key factors involved in each one. Low-sides occur when a rider loses control due to excessive braking or too much cornering speed, while high-sides usually involve less input by the rider; they result from mechanical failures or slippery surfaces like oil spills. While there may be similarities between the two scenarios, experienced motorcycle accident attorneys will look at each case differently depending on its specific circumstances.

The complexities surrounding low-side and high-side motorcycle accidents make it essential to seek out qualified legal counsel who are knowledgeable about motorcycling laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. An attorney with experience handling similar cases should also be chosen – someone who understands how best to protect your rights under the law, build a strong defense strategy against any potential charges you may face after an incident involving negligence or reckless driving, negotiate favorable settlements or represent you during litigation if necessary. With an attentive ear towards your needs, a well-versed attorney can successfully guide you through every step of this difficult process so that you receive justice for what happened to you and your loved ones following an unfortunate motorcycle crash.

Investigating Lowside And Highside Crashes

Investigating low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes can be a difficult process to understand. According to statistics, road accidents are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15–29 years old, accounting for nearly one-third (30%) of all global fatalities in this age group. To make matters worse, motorcycle crashes often involve multiple vehicles or pedestrians that further complicate investigations.

When investigating these types of incidents some key considerations should be taken into account:

  • Establish clear lines of communication with first responders;
  • Gather evidence from any available sources such as witness statements, CCTV footage and medical records;
  • Analyze the scene carefully by taking photographs, measuring distances and conducting an onsite inspection;
  • Collect data from vehicle components such as tires, brakes, steering systems and engine parts.

Investigating a crash is not just about collecting evidence but also understanding why it happened in the first place. Studies have shown that most motorcycle collisions occur due to driver error or negligence, requiring careful analysis of factors like speed limits, visibility conditions and traffic laws. Additionally, investigators must evaluate if there were any mechanical issues with either bike or other involved vehicles before they can confidently reach a conclusion.

Can a Motorbike Accident Attorney Help Me?

The consequences of low-side and high-side motorcycle crashes are often severe. Despite this, motorcyclists can take steps to reduce the risk of these types of accidents. The most effective prevention measure is wearing protective gear such as a helmet, gloves, boots and leather clothing. It is also important for riders to maintain their bike’s traction by regularly checking tire pressure and replacing tires when worn.

At Banville Law, our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in New York have been helping injured bikers obtain fair compensation for over 20 years. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, contact an experienced motorcycle accident today.

Our experienced attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities and advise you of your options. Our experienced team of legal professionals is here to answer your questions, and help you recover money for the damages you have incurred.

Whether you were injured in a car, a truck, a bus, a pedestrian, or a motorcycle accident, our lawyers can help you obtain compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses.

Contact us today for a free consultation if you were injured in a motorcycle accident.

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: February 1, 2023
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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