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Yorktown Heights Personal Injury Law Firm

Personal Injury Attorney – Our Team Fights For Justice

Slip & Fall Lawyers Getting Clients The Compensation They Need

  • We’ve Handled Cases Involving Snow & Ice, Loose Flooring, Broken Steps, & Other Premises Hazards

  • Highly Rated By Former Clients

  • Experienced Premises Liability Law Firm

Have you recently been diagnosed with a serious injury because you slipped and fell while on other person’s property? Have you been prevented from going to work and are now finding that the medical bills are quickly adding up? If so, you are likely wondering if there is a way to obtain compensation for the losses that you have sustained.

In many cases, it is possible for the victim of a slip and fall accident to file a lawsuit against the owner of the property or another party who was responsible for managing the property. This is because under the law, those who are responsible for taking care of a property must routinely check for hazards and if a hazard is detected, either immediately repair it or place warning signs around it.

Examples of common causes of slip and fall include:

  • loose carpeting
  • broken steps
  • broken handrails
  • snow & ice
  • broken sidewalks
  • potholes

Our slip and fall accident law firm in Mount Vernon has helped many plaintiffs recover full compensation for their past and expected future losses after a slip and fall accident and we can help you. Call us as soon as possible to learn more about your legal options and how our attorneys can help.

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Trial Attorney – We Are Always Prepared For Court

Construction Accident Lawyers Making Sure Injured Employees Get The Help They Need

  • Our Law Firm Helps Injured Workers & The Loved Ones Of A Worker Who Has Died

  • Our Attorneys Can Help With Workers Comp & Lawsuits

  • Hundreds Of Satisfied Clients

Are you a construction worker who was hurt while at work? Let our team of experienced lawyers help you navigate the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim and let us review your case to determine if there are any other forms of compensation that you may be eligible for, like a construction accident lawsuit.

Although workers’ comp insurance is supposed to help anyone who has been hurt on the job, insurance companies have found many ways to deny the claims that are filed so that they don’t have to pay. This means that an injured worker will be left with thousands of dollars in medical debt and often during a time where they are unable to return to work.

Our lawyers are always ready to help an injured worker with their compensation claim. It doesn’t matter if it’s the initial application after an accident or if the claim has already been denied, our legal team can help you win an approval.

In addition to this, we review your case completely to determine if you are eligble to file a construction accident lawsuit. This can happen with a third party acted negligently and contributed to the accident which caused you harm. For example, if contractor constructs scaffolding but doesn’t do it correctly and the next day the scaffolding collapses while workers are using it, they may face lawsuits from those who are hurt.

A lawsuit can provide compensation for losses that workers’ comp will never cover like emotional trauma, physical pain, and the full amount of lost wages and can be filed at the same time as the workers’ comp claim.

Lawyer – We Love Helping Those Who Need It Most

Medical Malpractice Victims Can Trust We Will Help Them Recover

  • Ranked Among Top Med Mal Law Firms By Legal Herald

  • Attorneys Who Aren’t Afraid To Go Up Against Doctors & Hospitals

  • Highly Recommended By Former Clients

Have you or a loved one been hurt because a medical professional made a mistake? Are you unsure of what your legal options are? At Banville Law, we think that medical malpractice is one of the worst things that any patient can endure and we are here to help you get compensation from those who are responsible.

There are many kinds of medical malpractice including:

  • prescription errors
  • birth injuries
  • surgical errors
  • anesthesia errors
  • misdiagnosis
  • the failure to diagnose

In each case, a medical professional failed to live up to the standards that their licensing requires and caused harm to a patient. By filing a lawsuit against the person or institution who caused them harm, plaintiffs may be able to recover compensation for:

  • lost earnings
  • physical pain
  • emotional trauma
  • medical bills

If the patient died due to medical malpractice, their loved ones may be able to file a lawsuit on their behalf. To learn more about how our experienced lawyers can help you with your med mal lawsuit, contact us today.

Continue reading our next article on things to do while in Westchester:

Banville Law | A Westchester, New York Personal Injury Law Firm 914-825-4117 |
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