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New York Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits: What You Need To Know

New York Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Have Your Best Interest At Heart

It was hard enough placing your loved one in someone else’s care. But learning they’ve been mistreated is a betrayal, plain and simple. Your loved one deserved more then, and they deserve more now.

  • Over 4 decades of proven trial experience
  • Millions in compensation recovered for our clients
  • An alliance of dedicated attorneys at your side
  • Free consultation and no upfront costs until we win

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Fast, decisive action is the best way to win a nursing home abuse lawsuit. We move in quickly on your behalf and get the evidence needed to win.

Call our elder abuse hotline now. Take a stand for justice and help us stamp out elder abuse everywhere.

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"Because we are your path to justice" - Laurence Banville

Placing a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision. The deciding factor is getting the best level of care possible for a person who requires professional help. That medical care is expensive, but it’s a price worth paying to ensure comfort and stable health for your family member.

It’s a shock when you discover that the comfort you intended to provide was not delivered. It’s worse when you realize the level of pain, humiliation and suffering the abuse caused. It’s angering to be informed that the damage may extend well into the future.

The next choice you make is an important one.

Our Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

Our New York nursing home abuse attorneys have won millions in awards and settlements during decades of service to the elderly community. We’re well regarded in legal circles and among elderly advocates alike. Our network of connections is substantial across the entire state of New York and spans the nation. We have the resources to win.

We’re honored to be your voice in the courtroom. We contend every point of law. We prepare for the defense. We plan to thwart every objection and strategy. Courts award our clients millions because of detailed planning and flawless execution.

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Things To Consider About A Nursing Home Lawsuit

Any legal action is a serious step because the issues at hand are central to the enjoyment of life. In our extensive experience, there is no legal action more fundamental to quality of life now and in the future than a nursing home abuse lawsuit.

Some of the issues to consider are:

  • Time Involved: The plaintiffs bringing the suit are personally involved only a short fraction of the time. As your attorneys, we’ll respect the demands of your life and work with you to make sure everything moves forward with a minimal time investment on your part.
  • Chance of Recovery: Our free case evaluation will inform you about the chances of a recovery and make a recommendation. Generally, the chances for a recovery are very good when we advise to move forward, because we risk all the expenses until a recovery is made.
  • How a Lawsuit Affects Future Care Levels: When nursing home staff understand that you’re an engaged family member, their level of job performance generally changes for the better. Your loved one and your family have rights. Putting others on notice that you’re prepared to defend those rights is rarely if ever a bad thing.
  • Cost: There are no upfront costs of a nursing home lawsuit. Our firm pays all expenses until the recovery is made in your favor. We’re determined to get that recovery for you.

Until providing the proper levels of staffing, training and care necessary is made a financial priority for nursing home management, nursing home abuse is likely to continue for generations to come. A lawsuit is often a wake-up call that encourages a higher level of performance in the future.

Personal Injury vs. Medical Malpractice

Most lawsuits that involve negligent nursing homes fall into one of two categories: personal injury or medical malpractice. Contrary to popular opinion, medical malpractice is not equivalent to personal injury, despite the fact that most instances of malpractice result in injury. Here are two examples to help clarify the distinction:

A personal injury lawsuit can be filed against most employees, managers, or owners of elder care facilities. For example, if a janitor fails to clean a spill in the hall, and your loved one falls, that janitor may be sued for negligence. Why? Cleaning spills is within the purview, the professional responsibility, of a janitor. But even though nursing homes in New York City are considered “health care facilities,” this wouldn’t be an example of medical malpractice.

Physicians, doctors, and medical professionals are generally held to a higher standard of care than other nursing home staff members. If your loved one goes into cardiac arrest, we wouldn’t expect a janitor to jump in and save the day. Most janitors never went to medical school, and wouldn’t have any idea what to do in an operating room. If the janitor noticed your loved one’s distress, and failed to notify a doctor or nurse, that might be a valid case of negligence. But not medical malpractice.

Nurses and doctors, on the other hand, have completed a period of advanced training and now possess a specialized knowledge. We could reasonably expect them to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest and handle the situation to the best of their abilities. If they fail to do so, they can be found guilty of medical malpractice.

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