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New York Nursing Home Residents Are Suffering

Elderly abuse and neglect rates are rising to nearly epidemic levels everywhere. Banville Law is determined to stamp out elderly abuse of all kinds. We either stop elderly abuse during this generation or risk becoming victims ourselves one day.

After decades of pursuing legal remedies for elderly across the state of New York, elderly abuse in nursing homes and elder care facilities has become more than a career choice — it’s is our mission. We’ve seen some of the worst physical and emotional abuse cases anyone could imagine. Harming the most vulnerable people of society in any way is bad enough, but these victims have their very humanity and dignity stripped away by the indifference of people in a position to help.

We’re out to stop this shameful behavior, and we need your help.

Continue reading about related nursing home abuse lawsuits regarding malnutrition and dehydration:

Banville Law Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers serve: 

Nursing Home Abuse: The Facts

In brief, here are the facts of the current situation:

  • Elder care is projected to be a $319 billion industry by 2016 according to Forbes magazine.
  • The cost in 2012 for nursing home care ranged between $81,000 and $90,500 a year, according to a 2012 survey by MetLife. The average stay is more than two years.
  • 90% of nursing homes have inadequate staff levels to care for patients properly.
  • Existing staff are frequently under-qualified, under-trained and lack proper levels of supervision.
  • 91.7% of America’s nursing homes were cited by health inspectors in 2005 for at least one deficiency.
  • For every reported incident of abuse or neglect, there are estimated to be between 7 to 24 unreported incidents.
  • Abusers get away with their abuse or neglect between 86% – 96% of the time.

There are plainly no financial incentives for the situation to change. Government citations and multi-million dollar lawsuit verdicts make little difference if the chances of being caught are only four percent. It’s cheaper for companies to continue their present level of care than to follow the rules of law or decency.

Call to Action: How To Prevent Abuse

Until the public makes it clear that elder abuse in nursing homes and elder care facilities is unacceptable, the situation will only get worse. America’s population is aging, and by 2030 the elderly in New York State alone will rise by about 1 million people to a total of almost 4 million.

To reduce elder abuse in nursing homes and elder care facilities, the following has to happen:

  • Reporting of incidents must increase
  • Costs associated with abuse incidents have to increase
  • Public awareness has to increase to a point where an abuse incident can harm a company’s brand

When to Contact A New York Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect Attorney

When you suspect any abuse or neglect of an elderly person in a nursing home, contact our office for a free consultation and advice about what to do next. Our experienced attorneys will guide you and help secure the justice you deserve.

Together we can make a difference. Call us now.

Do Nursing Home Physicians Use Drugs To Control Residents? Learn more. 

Do You Qualify?
  • Details
  • Incident
  • Aftermath

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