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Elder Abuse and Neglect in Westchester County

Nobody wants elder abuse in Westchester County. Most residents enjoy a pleasant upscale lifestyle among its suburban communities and beautiful landscape. But for the elderly who may be powerless victims of elder abuse, life in Westchester is very different. With help from our Mount Vernon nursing home abuse lawyers, we can help stop nursing home facilities from such crimes against their patients. 

The Elderly of Westchester County

According to the New York State Department of Health, there are 43 nursing home facilities in Westchester County. Of those, 37 were rated for resident reporting moderate to severe pain. An alarming 30 percent of the nursing home facilities ranked above the state average for residents experiencing substantial pain.

The New York State Elder Abuse Prevalence Study estimated that for every known case of elder abuse, there are 24 unknown cases. Other alarming facts about elder abuse in nursing homes include:

  •  1 in 3 nursing homes were cited for violation of standards that had potential to cause harm or that had caused actual harm to a resident.
  • Over 50% of nursing home staff admitted to mistreating older patients within the prior year of one study. Two thirds of those incidents involved neglect, others included physical violence, and mental abuse.
  • 29% of nursing home abuse is physical abuse, 21% involves psychological abuse and 14% cases were gross neglect.

Since there are 43 nursing homes in Westchester County, the odds are that mistreatment of older adults within the last year has happened at 22 of them, and 16 are likely to have violated federal standards to prevent harm.

Call A Nursing Home Abuse Attorney In New York

It’s important to contact an elder abuse attorney as soon as possible when you suspect elder abuse in any nursing home or assisted living situation. Vital evidence can be lost or destroyed in an environment where the wrongdoers control everything.

The elder law attorneys of Banville Law have seen countless cases of elder abuse and neglect. We have substantial elder abuse experience. We know what to look for, and how to tell the difference between a deteriorating health condition and abuse. If the evidence is there, we’ll find it. If not, you owe us nothing.

We’ll find out what happened and restore your family’s sense of safety and wellbeing. Our consultations are free and the first step of progress toward satisfaction and justice.

Our Personal Injury Law Firm Serves Fleetwood along with the surrounding areas of Westchester County. Learn how our law firm can help you and your loved ones today. 

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