The personal injury lawyers in South Side, NY, at Banville Law, would like to present this overview of the area.
The neighborhood of South Side is located between South Fulton Avenue and East 5th Street. It is a 15 minutes drive southeast of Yonkers, NY.
The area was first inhabited by settlers from Connecticut in 1664. In the 1960s, the area of Mount Vernon was separated into the North Side and the South Side by the New Haven Line railroad tracks.
South Side is a densely populated urban neighborhood with 25,978 residents per square mile. Most housing consists of small apartment complexes and single-family homes that were built before 1939, but a few were added before 1969, creating historic architectural charm. Rent is about $2,353 on average, making it lower than 43.6% of other New York neighborhoods. There is a vacancy rate of 11.4%, suggesting many options are available for new residents. Even though 48.7% of the real estate is residential living, there are many options available for food and retail. By redesigning the use of these historical Victorian-style homes, the lower level created homes for small businesses while the upper levels offer apartment-style living. Some local businesses in the area are as follows:
Train rides are popular with the residents in South Side. More than 17.7% of the neighborhood population choose this form of commute, more than 95.7% of other American neighborhoods. The walkability rate is one of the highest in America; 13.2% elect this as their method for getting to and from work. South Side has more bus commuters than 96.1% of other neighborhoods in America, making the bus system the most used form of transportation. South Side has five stops just on South 5th Avenue; locations are:
This densely populated area is heavily diverse. There are more residents with Jamaican and West Indian ancestry than any other neighborhood in America. Of the residents, more than 30.9% were born outside of the United States, the breakdown for ancestral lineage is as follows:
The location of this middle-class neighborhood offers the residents a wide variety of employment. Whether they work in town or commute to the larger cities nearby, the income is higher than 48.8% of other American neighborhoods. The working population is broken down as follows:
Continue Reading: History of the Fleetwood, NY Neighborhood
Our experienced South Side, NY, personal injury attorneys at Banville Law are here to answer any of your legal questions. Reach out today for a free consultation.
Banville Law
11 W Prospect Ave #37
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
(914) 825-4117