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New York Pedestrian Accidents - Assisting Injured Victims

Pedestrian Accidents In New York

Each year, thousands of pedestrian accidents occur on the street of New York. In many of these situations, reckless motorists strike or hurt unintentional pedestrians who use the road with them.

It is unlikely that the drivers or their vehicles will be impacted. The same cannot be true for the pedestrians who are the victims of these accidents.

Banville Law promises to assist pedestrians who have suffered bodily injuries or worse as a result of an accident. Victims of pedestrian injuries can seek compensation from those who caused them injury through filing a civil suit. Call us right away for a free legal consultation to learn more.

"Because we are your path to justice" - Laurence Banville

Types Of Pedestrian Accidents In NY

A pedestrian is anybody who walks through a public space on foot. Individuals who fall within this category include those who are:

  • Walking, jogging, or otherwise moving in a place where they have a right to be
  • Crossing or otherwise lawfully and cautiously utilizing a roadway or crossing
  • Anyone using a wheelchair for transportation purposes in a safe environment

Who Is Responsible For A Pedestrian Accident?

It's not always easy to figure out who's responsible for a pedestrian accident. It's natural to assume that the driver of a vehicle is to blame, and many pedestrian accidents are caused by inattentive drivers. Examples of this include: 

  • The motor vehicle in question was being driven by a motorist who was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The motorist was driving at an excessively high pace, frequently exceeding the posted speed limit.
  • In a crosswalk, at a stop sign, or at a stoplight, the vehicle involved in the pedestrian accident failed to yield to the pedestrian.
  • The vehicle involved in the pedestrian accident was distracted and mistakenly ran into one or more people.

Our Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Serve:

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  • Details
  • Incident
  • Aftermath

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Other Parties Responsible For Pedestrian Accidents

There are also several other factors that can be examined when trying to gauge is who should be held responsible for the accident. Some other common liable parties are as follows: 

  • Poor road signs or intersections: the contractors that designed the roadways or intersections, could potentially be held liable for accidents that occurred.
  • Traffic signal malfunctions: if a traffic light or signal malfunctions, it can cause pedestrian and even car accidents if individuals are crossing the street when it's not safe to do so. In these cases, it is possible that the city may be held responsible.

Although the exact reason for a pedestrian accident may appear clear at first, it is vital to perform an investigation to determine the root of how the incident occurred in the first place. It's possible that a combination of circumstances, rather than just one, contributed to the disaster. As a result, if a pedestrian accident case is brought, it may be filed against a variety of parties.

How Can A Pedestrian Accident Law Firm Help?

When you choose to hire a pedestrian accident law office to represent you, the attorneys will look into all of the circumstances surrounding the event.

They'll go to the scene of the accident in order to gather as much evidence as possible. This might include eyewitness evidence as well as video records from places like nearby businesses. Your attorney and his or her team will also call road safety specialists, who may perform their own investigation of the accident to establish who was at blame.

Seeking Compensation After A Pedestrian Accident

If you were injured or a family member was killed in a pedestrian accident, you will almost certainly need to file a personal injury claim to be compensated for your loss. The amount of compensation you can get is typically determined by the injuries you've endured. The following are some things to consider when calculating the value of a pedestrian accident lawsuit:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills such as surgical costs, hospital visits, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and other ongoing medical treatments necessary
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and consortium

Punitive damages will be pursued in some cases as well. This implies that you will be awarded money because the individual who caused the accident was found to have acted negligently or with the intent to inflict injury on purpose.

Do You Qualify?
  • Details
  • Incident
  • Aftermath

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