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New York State

Banville Law is one of New York City’s leading personal injury law firms. Every day, our attorneys fight for the rights of injured individuals with passion, knowledge and experience. Our only goal is to secure the maximum compensation to which our clients are entitled.

And while our offices are located in Manhattan, we frequently represent clients across the State of New York. From Westchester County in the south to Erie in the west, we travel far and wide, providing aggressive advocacy and trusted legal guidance.

As committed members of the New York community, our personal injury lawyers are always on the lookout for new ways to gain perspective on the state we call home. That’s why we made a series of free infographics, illustrating key facts from New York’s most unique locations.

Below, you’ll find our infographic for the state as a whole:

NYState Population
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Want to learn more? Follow the links below to find our other infographics:

  • New York City
  • Manhattan
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  • Queens
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  • Staten Island

New York State: Population Facts & Statistics

At 54,555 square miles (including water), New York is the nation’s 27th largest state. But with 19.75 million residents, it’s also the 4th most populated.

Compared to the US’ largest states, New York is absolutely crammed with people.

At 663,267 square miles, Alaska is the largest. But a population of only 736,732 brings that state’s population density to 1.3 people for every square mile. Texas comes in second at 268,580 square miles. With 26,956,958 residents, Texas’ population density comes out to 101.2 people per square mile. In the third spot is Montana, with 147,042 square miles. A relatively tiny population of 1,023,579 makes for a density of only 7 people per square mile.

New York State’s population density is 417 people per square mile. But that crowding goes for most of the East Coast, too. Small states with big populations:

New Jersey is America’s most densely populated state, with 8,722 square miles and a population of 8,938,175. For every square mile in Jersey, there are a little more than 1,210 people. At 1,545 square miles, and home to 1,055,173, Rhode Island comes in second with a population density of 1,017 people per square mile. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maryland aren’t far behind with densities of 858, 743 and 611 people per square miles respectively.

Population Growth

But compared to the nation’s fastest growing states (which also happen to be some of its largest), New York isn’t growing all that much.

From 1980 to 2014, New York’s population increased by 12.5% – from 17,560,000 residents to 19,750,000.

In that same period:

  • Florida grew by 104% – from 9,747,000 residents to 19,890,000
  • Texas grew by 89.5% – from 14,230,000 to 26,960,000
  • California grew by 64% – from 23,670,000 to 38,800,000

Population Concentration

We have New York City to thank for the state’s comparatively huge population. New York’s population is concentrated to an unprecedented degree, even compared to the nation’s other largest cities:

  1. 42% of New York’s population lives in New York City
  2. 10% of California’s population lives in Los Angeles
  3. 21% of Illinois’ population lives in Chicago
  4. 8% of Texas’ population lives in Houston
  5. 12% of Pennsylvania’s population lives in Philadelphia
  6. 22% of Arizona’s population lives in Phoenix

Anchorage is the only other city that comes close. 41% of Alaska’s total population lives there.

Contact New York’s Personal Injury Lawyers

Were you injured in New York? Do you believe that someone else’s carelessness caused your accident? You may be entitled to substantial compensation.

Contact the attorneys at Banville Law to learn whether you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. Our lawyers will review your case within 24 hours, and then provide experienced legal guidance on the best course of action.

Your consultation is free, with no charge and no obligation. Just call (917) 551-6690 or fill out our contact form and get the answers you need.

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