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Pool Drowning Lawyers Get Compensation For Injuries & Wrongful Death

How Do Swimming Pool Drownings Happen?

Swimming pools, wherever they may be and whether they’re public or private, often pose similar risks.

While far from the only danger of aquatic environments, the risk of drowning is the most widely recognized hazard of swimming pools. It may sound unlikely to those who have grown up and spent a significant chunk of their lives close to the water, but it is a very real fact that many people do not know how to swim. Without almost overbearing supervision, these individuals can be considered to be under constant risk almost any time they are close to the water.

However, even pool-goers who know how to swim can become victims of drowning. If a pool is deeper than expected, or if a swimmer becomes tired and is no longer able to hold themselves above water, it’s not out of the question that they will be unable to make it to the shallow end or pull themselves out of the pool.

Indeed, even the best swimmers can find themselves in a situation that prevents them from swimming, such as an unexpected muscle cramp, that can ultimately cause them to drown.

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Other Swimming Pool Injuries

Aside from the major risk of drowning, swimming pools also carry other hazards.

Slip & Fall

The risk of a slip and fall injury is substantially increased in the vicinity of a pool. This is because water is often splashed out by swimmers onto the surrounding surfaces. Moreover, pool decks tend to be made of concrete or other very hard materials that provide absolutely no cushion if someone is to slip and fall on them. This is also beside the fact that, whether because of cost-cutting measures or otherwise, pool decks tend to be made of materials that are exceedingly slick when wet.

What is a Near-Drowning?

When a slippery surface isn’t the culprit in a pool fall, broken or uneven flooring can also lead to equally-severe tripping incidents. Bone fractures are quite common in swimming pool slip and fall accidents, as are ligament sprains and even traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Whenever these physically-incapacitating injuries occur inside the pool, victims can easily drown as they are unable to swim to safety. Even when lifeguards or other swimmers are present to help them out of the pool, such near-drownings can still cause permanent physical and mental disability.

Inadequate Pool Signage can Lead to Injury

Vertebral and spinal cord injuries also prevail in swimming pool accidents, often because the depth of a pool may not be properly posted.

Without noticing that the water is much shallower than they expect, a person may dive into the pool head-first and make an impact with the bottom of the pool. These instances lead to some of the worst swimming pool accidents, not only because of the grave nature of a spinal cord injury but also because the injured individual will often become disoriented under the water. If no one is there to help them, they may easily drown.

Whatever the injury, one thing is for sure: the lives of the victims (when they’re lucky enough to survive), as well as those of their loved ones, are permanently marred by these avoidable tragedies. But who is actually responsible for avoiding these wrongful deaths from taking place, and can victims or the families of victims seek compensation after they take place?

Can I File A Wrongful Death Suit For A Pool Drowning?

Swimming pool accident lawsuits can make for some of the most complex legal cases one can encounter. In fact, if you or a loved one were the victims of such horrific circumstances, you may not even be sure if you have the right to file suit. It was you or your loved one who chose to go into the pool in the first place, right?

Well, determining blame, liability, and negligence is not that simple.

Whether the swimming pool drowning or accident took place in a public or private pool, victims often possess powerful rights that protect them from dangerous environments. This is to say, if the owner of the pool did not take steps to maintain safe premises for their visitors, they may be found negligent and be ordered by a court to pay significant financial compensation to the victims for any damages they may have suffered.

But how can you know if a swimming pool injury was your fault, or if the premises were not safe to begin with? We oblige you to get in touch with our experienced swimming pool accident lawyers today to find out.

Swimming Pool Negligence Lawyers

One of the best ways for learning about all of the legal avenues for compensation that are at your disposal after a swimming pool accident is by consulting with an experienced legal representative.

Premises liability is the section of the law that deals with who is responsible for what happens at a pool. It is this same legal code that applies to other types of unexpected injury incidents like slip and falls. There are also other laws, such as the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGBA), which may help you build a case.

For example, premises liability guidelines are quite general in their scope, so they may not be enough to win compensation for a victim. An experienced swimming pool accident lawyer will also be familiar with the VGBA, which itself establishes the specific liabilities attributed to pool owners. If your attorney isn’t familiar with the latter and they only leverage the legal tenets of premises liability, you may not have a successful case or may end up receiving less compensation than you deserved.

Pool Injury & Wrongful Death Attorneys

It is for that reason, along with many more, that we constantly recommend that victims of swimming pool accidents and drownings to get in touch with our law firm right away. As soon as you contact us, we will analyze your case in a free legal consultation.

We will then explain all of the legal avenues for compensation that are available to you, and if you chose to work with us, we will begin fortifying your case and set you on the path to justice. If you find that you do not want to take legal action, you will owe us nothing as our legal consultation is 100% free and 100% without obligation. Likewise, if we are not able to secure compensation for you, you will not owe us anything in legal fees.

We are a No Win, No Fee law firm. If the clients we represent are not compensated, then neither are we. It’s the way we’ve chosen to conduct our professional services, as we believe it aligns the best interest of the client with ours while also establishing trust and planting the seeds for a strong client-attorney relationship.

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