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Lawsuits For Injuries Caused By ParaGard IUD Birth Control Device

Have you suffered serious injuries during the removal of the Paragard IUD birth control device? You may be struggling with questions like:

  • Is the Paragard IUD device defective?
  • Have there been complaints about injuries caused by Paragard devices?
  • Am I eligible for financial compensation for injuries caused by Paragard?
  • Have any Paragard injury lawsuits been filed?
  • Should I talk to a lawyer about my Paragard injuries?

Contact our experienced personal injury attorneys today to learn more about your legal rights after suffering an injury caused by Paragard. 

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In recent years, there have been growing reports of serious injuries suffered by users of the ParaGard IUD birth control device. Several consumers have filed complaints with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS). Our lawyers believe that there may be a wave of lawsuits filed against the makers of ParaGard by consumers who have suffered internal injuries caused by this product.

ParaGard IUD Injuries

If you or a loved one has recently suffered injuries caused by breakage of the ParaGard device during removal, it's important to look into your legal options. No one should have to suffer preventable injuries caused by a dangerous drug that was released to the market by negligent manufacturers. Our experienced defective drug lawyers are prepared to analyze your case and help you determine if you have grounds for a lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of ParaGard.

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Does ParaGard Cause Injuries During Removal?

There have been reports that ParaGard causes injuries during removal after pieces of the device break during this process. Some ParaGard users have reported breakage while having the device removed. This can result in serious complications which may require surgery for the removal of the broken pieces.

A study by the Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports analyzed a case series of broken IUDs and all examples involved one specific model - the ParaGard T 380A copper IUD. This study found several issues, including:

  • 4 cases of embedded arms breaking during attempted removals
  • 1 case of ring holding strings breaking during removal
  • 1 case of embedded IUD on U/S with resistance on attempted removal
  • 1 case of IUD breaking during removal in office

Complications Caused by ParaGard Breakage

When a ParaGard IUD breaks during the removal process, the patient may suffer from serious complications. Investigations have revealed that the arms of these devices sometimes break at the shoulder during the removal process. When this happens, fragments from the device can embed themselves within the uterine cavity. In some cases, these fragments may puncture through the cavity entirely.

ParaGard breakage often results in necessary surgery for the patient, in which these fragments are surgically removed. This can lead to severe and debilitating injuries for the patient. Additionally, the surgery could cause future complications with becoming pregnant or prevent the patient from having vaginal births in the future.

Common complications that may be caused by ParaGard breakage during removal include:

  • Uterine infections caused by embedded pieces of the device
  • Bleeding, cramping, and pain inflicted by broken pieces
  • Broken pieces moving to other organs and causing complications there
  • Uterine lining or wall becomes perforated by broken pieces

20+ ParaGard Cases Filed in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas (PCCP)

There have been roughly 20 ParaGard injury cases filed in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas (PCCP). The plaintiffs in these cases won specific jurisdiction against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Teva Women's Health, LLC, and Teva's Women's Health, Inc. This specific jurisdiction ruling allows plaintiffs from Pennsylvania and other states to prosecute ParaGard cases in the PCCP. The plaintiffs in these cases have alleged that they suffered injuries due to design and manufacturing defects found in ParaGard IUD products.

Can I File a Lawsuit For Injuries Caused by ParaGard IUD Devices?

The defective device lawyers at Banville Law specialize in representing those who have been injured by defective medical devices. We believe there is reason evidence that Teva Pharmaceuticals has caused consumers to suffer preventable injuries due to a failure to properly warn ParaGard users of possible risks associated with using these devices and that the company may have been aware of these risks but failed to take action to fix the devices to make them safer.

If you or a loved one has recently suffered injuries caused by ParaGard, we are prepared to investigate your case, determine if you have grounds for a lawsuit, and help you take legal action against the makers of ParaGard.

You can learn more about your legal options, including a possible ParaGard IUD lawsuit, by contacting our team of experienced defective device lawyers for a free consultation.

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