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Can I Sue For Injuries After Falling In New York Parking Lot?

It’s no secret that parking lots in New York present significant danger to pedestrians. But these hazards are not limited to the winter months, when parking lots become ice-covered. Even during the summer months, pre-existing safety risks, like broken pavements and potholes, can contribute to an accident. In this article, the attorneys at Banville Law focuses on what you should do after falling in a New York parking lot.

Practical Steps: What To Do If You Are A Parking Lot Accident Victim?

Were you injured in a slip and fall accident on a parking lot? If so, you may be facing considerable medical bills and a lengthy absence from work. Many parking lot accident victims assume that their only option is to draw from personal health insurance policies to cover their medical expenses and lost wages. But you don’t need to go it alone. Our attorneys can help you get justice and make those responsible for the accident pay.

We have helped many fall victims pursue the fair compensation to which they are entitled. Our lawyers will work closely with your medical professionals to determine the exact extent of your injuries and ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for your medical treatment.

Unlike most insurance companies, who will try to minimize your damages to preserve their bottom line, we are dedicated to securing your rights and pursuing your best interests.

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poorly lit parking lot in New York
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Who Can Be Held Liable For My Accident?

Parking lot owners have a legal responsibility to those who utilize their parking lots. By operating a parking lot, owners agree to maintain their lots in a reasonably safe condition, and protect pedestrians and drivers alike from a harmful environment.

Unfortunately, many parking lot owners in New York don’t hold up their end of the bargain, allowing dangerous safety hazards to persist after becoming aware of them. When a pedestrian is injured in a parking lot fall down accident, parking lot owners may be held responsible under a legal doctrine known as “premises liability.”

Do I Need A Slip And Fall Attorney?

Unfortunately, many parking lots in New York, especially those serving shopping malls and retail centers, are owned and operated by businesses that have a wide range of resources at their disposal. For this reason, fighting a parking lot owner over your accident can be difficult, even impossible, to do on your own.

Instead, rely on the guidance of an experienced injury attorney. At Banville Law, your best interests are our best interests. Our personal injury lawyers always offer legal services on a contingency-fee basis, so you owe us nothing unless we return a verdict or settlement in your favor.

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The attorneys at Banville Law have established a proven track record of success, securing considerable settlements from insurance companies and valuable verdicts in NYC courts. Put our experience to work for you; call us today.

Also see: When Is The MTA Immune From Liability?

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