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New York Restaurants, Bars & Nightclubs: The Scene Of Many Premises Liability Lawsuits

When we patronize privately-owned establishments, like New York’s numerous bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, we enter into an implicit agreement with their owners. In exchange for our business, for the meals we eat and the drinks we buy, they agree to maintain their properties in a reasonably safe condition.

“Reasonably safe” means that they fix problems that could present a hazard to customers in a timely manner, and warn visitors of potential dangers if necessary. When New York’s property owners fail in their obligations, and slip and fall accidents occur, victims may receive compensation for their injuries in a personal injury lawsuit.

How Much Is A Settlement Worth Against A Bar, Nightclub Or Restaurant?

Were you injured by dangerous conditions in a New York restaurant, bar, or nightclub? You may not have to pay out of pocket for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In fact, our law firm recently secured slip and fall settlements in New York against bars, restaurants and nightclubs who were negligent and that negligence was the reason our clients were injured.

We have helped many of New York’s residents receive the money they deserve after similar accidents at these premises. Our lawyers are experienced in holding businesses, like bars, restaurants, and nightclubs accountable for their negligence. If you were hurt, and need help, contact Banville Law today.

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Should You Deal Or Communicate With The Bar After An Accident? No – not without representation.

When faced with an accident claim, some restaurants, bars, and nightclubs in New York City will reimburse victims for their injuries. But fall victims who deal directly with the business that caused their injury will not receive compensation for “non-economic damages,” damages harder to quantify than medical expenses, but often just as necessary.

If you trust us with your case, we can pursue additional forms of compensation in a court of law, like pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. We strongly advise you to contact an attorney before negotiating any deal with the privately-owned venue or their insurance companies.

Wet Floors And Spillages: A Common Cause at Restaurants & Bars

Many businesses in New York that serve food and drink, like bars and restaurants, are legally required to mop their floors daily. Unfortunately, employees often start their daily cleaning programs before their stores are closed.

If these property owners fail to alert their guests of dangerously wet floors, accidents can occur at a moment’s notice. These accidents are particularly prevalent in restaurant, bar, and nightclub bathrooms.

A legal theory known as “premises liability” serves to protect the victims of accidents in these types of commercial premises. Under this theory, the owners or managers of establishments can be held accountable for accidents that occur on their properties due to negligence. But the restaurants, bars, and nightclubs of New York, which often operate at a significant profit, are able to afford formidable legal counsel when sued by injured parties.

By reaching out to Banville Law, you can balance the scales. With decades of experience holding negligent New York property owners responsible, our attorneys have helped many injured residents secure their futures with substantial settlements.

Contact Banville Law About Your Claim

Hurt by a property owner’s negligence? You deserve justice, and we believe in your accident case. Contact us today for a free consultation.

New York Snow and Ice Slippery Conditions and Premises Liability: Who is Responsible For Falls?

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