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All About Southeast Yonkers, NY

The car accident lawyers in Southeast Yonkers, NY, at Banville Law have sponsored the following details highlighting the neighborhood's history and historical landmarks.

Southeast Yonkers

This region of the city of Yonkers is situated between the NY State Thruway and the Bronx River Parkway. It is within Westchester County in New York. The Bronx River flows along the eastern edge of the community creating a border between it and Sunset Hill, Wakefield, and Mount Vernon. The Hillview Reservoir is located in the southern section of the community. 

Early History

The greater region was originally part of a Dutch land grant referred to as Colen Donck. It encompassed 24,000-acres and extended from the Hudson River east to the Bronx River. Adriaen van der Donck, a patroon of Colendonck, attained the land in 1645. Van der Donck was called the Jonkheer or Jonker, meaning young gentleman. This is how the name Yonkers came about. Van der Donck established a sawmill near Nepperhan Creek, now the Saw Mill River. Unfortunately, Van der Donck was killed during the Peach War, and his wife was taken captive by Native Americans. She was later released on ransom.

At the site of the mill is Philipse Manor Hall. Dutch colonists owned this Colonial-era manor house. Today the manor has been preserved and operates as a museum and archive. Guests can witness a life before the American Revolution. The home was built around 1682 for Frederick Philipse and his wife, Margaret Hardenbroeck de Vries. Philipse was a wealthy Dutch merchant who amassed an enormous estate on 52,000 acres, including most of the present-day City of Yonkers. His great-grandson, Frederick Philipse III, was a well-known Loyalist and eventually forced to flee England. The state took control of the Philipse estate and either auctioned it off or it became the city's property.

Historical Landmarks

Aside from the historical Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site, which now serves as a museum, the area has many historical landmarks.

The St. Joseph's Seminary and College, sometimes known as Dunwoodie, was built in 1896. This has often been called the West Point of Seminaries, as its main goal is to prepare men for their future as priests. It offers its seminarians the opportunity to earn a Master of Divinity degree and more.

Another landmark includes the Yonkers Raceway & Empire City Casino, located on Yonkers Avenue. The racetrack was founded in 1899 as a one-half-mile stretch of a dirt track. It was opened by William H. Clark's Empire City Trotting Club. When Clark died in 1900, the property underwent a litigation battle that resulted in it being shut down for seven years. In 1907, James Butler, a grocery store magnate, bought it. Butler opened the track for horse racing. One of the notable races included Seabiscuit in 1936.


Residents and visitors do not have to go far for great shopping. The open-air Cross County Shopping Center is located on Mall Walk, just north of Vredenburgh Avenue. The mall was opened in 1954 and is owned by Brooks Shopping Center LLC. There are over 100 retail and dining businesses within the plaza, including:

  • American Eagle
  • Cinnabon
  • Sunglass Hut
  • Victoria's Secret
  • ZARA


The ZIP code of 10704 has 32,125 residents and 12,218 households. The population broken down by race includes:

  • 58.4% White
  • 22.6% Hispanic or Latino
  • 11.6% Black or African American
  • 6.0% Asian
  • 1.2% Two or More Mixed
  • 0.2% Other Races

Read more: Discover the History of Pelham Manor, NY

Our Local Office

If you have recently been hurt in a car or motorcycle wreck, our experienced Southeast Yonkers, NY, car accident lawyers at Banville Law can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call for your free case evaluation today.

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11 W Prospect Ave #37
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
(914) 825-4117

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: November 30, 2021
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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