The personal injury lawyers in Fleetwood, NY, at Banville Law, have sponsored this overview on the Fleetwood neighborhood.
The neighborhood of Fleetwood, NY, is located approximately 4.5 miles east of Yonkers, NY. Gramatan Avenue forms the western border of the community and East Lincoln Ave the south.
The area was initially known as the Town of Eastchester before becoming the city of Mount Vernon in 1892. Mount Vernon would later be broken down into subsections, and Fleetwood would become the western portion of North Side. These subsections include:
Most of the residential buildings in the area were built before the 1960s, which has allowed the area to retain its curb appeal. This historic neighborhood has many college students as residents and rates in the top 8.9% of places in New York for students. Apartment complexes, like Westchester Gardens, make up 51.4% of the real estate, which offers many options for college students. Although the average rental cost is higher than 76% of other New York neighborhoods, at $2,852, the vacancy rates are low at a staggering 8.1%.
Some quaint shops to visit in the area include:
Just like the neighboring areas, Fleetwood is a diverse neighborhood with several ethnicities and ancestries. The area is home to more people of Brazilian and Portuguese origin than anywhere else in America. Portuguese is primarily spoken by over 10% of the residents above five years of age. Approximately 36.9% of the residents were born outside of the United States, and many others have ancestors that migrated to the area. The following is a breakdown of the ancestral history of the residents:
This upper-middle income neighborhood has more than 40% of the residents employed in executive or management careers. Other careers held by the residents include the following:
Many options to get around are available to the residents in Fleetwood. Most commutes are within 30 minutes, and 63.4% rely on their own personal vehicle, but 11% enjoy carpooling with friends and coworkers. Residents also enjoy riding the train, and 22% use it daily for their commute to work. The walkability rate of the neighborhood is in the top 5% of other American communities.
If you found the information in this article interesting, check out our next on A View into the History of Parkside, NY.
The Fleetwood, NY, personal injury lawyers at Banville Law have years of experience that will get you the compensation you deserve. Reach out today for a free consultation.
Banville Law
11 W Prospect Ave #37
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
(914) 825-4117