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Manhattan Cab Accident Injury Lawyers

New York City’s over 13,000 yellow licensed taxi cabs serve Manhattan far more than any other borough. In fact, over 90% of all cab pick-ups occur there. This disproportionate amount of activity is easy to explain. Manhattan is the economic center of New York City and, some believe, the world.

According to the 2006 New York City Taxicab Fact Book (which surveyed cab accident data from 1999), 3,368 taxi crashes occurred in Manhattan, representing a 273% increase over the amount of accidents in all other boroughs combined. With this being said, Injured Drivers Can Seek Justice After An Accident With New York Cab / Taxi.

Taxi Accidents In Manhattan

Obviously, Manhattan is the nexus of NYC taxi activity and, tragically, cab crash activity, as well. Taxis are a vital element within Manhattan’s professional and personal life. An astounding 25% of Manhattan residents who do not own personal vehicles use taxis regularly. But our reliance on this form of transportation is waning. In 2001, taxis drove a total of 233 million passengers. In 2005, that number increased to 241 million. Today, in 2014, taxis are projected to transport only 175 million.

The recent introduction of ride-sharing services, like Uber and Lyft (which was only allowed to enter the Manhattan market after agreeing to register their vehicles through New York City’s Taxi & Limousine Commission), and an overall increase of bicycling can partially explain the decline in Manhattan’s taxi industry, statistics still show that younger generations favor cab travel. Surprisingly, more than two – thirds of all cab passengers are younger than 35.

A study sponsored by New York University found that “Manhattan has a significant and growing concentration of high-income employment.” Along with this finding, New York City’s Taxi & Limousine Commission has found that taxi passengers are more likely to belong to wealthier households. 42% of passengers come from homes with annual incomes of $100,000 or higher, while only 24% of New York’s total population makes that much.

Pedestrians Struck By Cabs Find Justice From Taxi Cab Accident Attorneys

Alongside its high density of taxi cabs, Manhattan sees the highest concentration of pedestrians of New York’s five boroughs. Many are tourists, visiting the numerous world-famous sites to which Manhattan is home, while others are residents, walking to work or home. As could be expected, more pedestrians are injured in taxi accidents than anywhere else in the city.

Injured Taxi Passengers Can Find Justice Today

Were you injured as a passenger in a Manhattan taxi accident? Visit our Passengers page here to learn more about Banville Law’s services specific to your situation:

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