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Local Museums in Yonkers

museums near personal injury attorney in Yonkers, NY

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Hudson River Museum

The Hudson River Museum was founded in 1919 by the Yonkers Art Association, a group of local artists and citizens that wanted to serve the community by providing exhibitions of artwork.

In 1924, the museum moved to a Gilded Age mansion in Glenview, purchased by the City of Yonkers. Over the years, it has attracted thousands of visitors and has since expanded its exhibitions to include a Planetarium.

The HRM's mission, based on the banks of the Hudson River in Yonkers, New York, is to engage, empower and bind diverse communities through the power of the arts, sciences, and history.

Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the permanent American art exhibits from the 19th century, such as Hudson River School painting and contemporary art installations. You can also explore the Gilded Age decorative arts located inside the historic home that was built in 1877.

Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site

This historic house museum is located in the Getty Square neighborhood of Yonkers. It is known as Westchester County's oldest standing building and originally was home to the family of Frederick Philipse.

Philipse Manor serves as a museum filled with fascinating architecture, history, and art. The institution also hosts a list of educational programs, special events, and community organizations for residents and guests.

Features of the Hall include its 18th century, high style Georgian architecture, a 1750s papier mache Rococo ceiling, and a remarkable collection of presidential portraits, including the six Presidents from New York State.

Dedicated members of the community strive to support and enhance programs and activities at Philipse Manor Hall, and host events throughout the year like festivals, concerts, movie nights, lectures, and more.

For more interesting attractions to explore in Yonkers, check out the many botanical gardens placed all around the city.

Our Local Office

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries caused by an accident, our experienced Yonkers, NY, personal injury attorneys are there to represent you. To schedule your free consultation, contact our legal team at Banville Law.

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11 W Prospect Ave #37,
Mt Vernon, NY 10550, USA
(914) 825-4117

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Laurence P. Banville
Date Published: March 2, 2020
Laurence P. Banville is the managing partner of Banville Law. As an experienced personal injury attorney, Mr. Banville helps clients recover compensation from those responsible for his clients' injuries. Our firm is located in New York City, serving clients from the five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
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