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Thornwood Personal Injury Lawyers Helping Accident Victims Recover

Personal Injury Attorney – Making Sure Accident Victims Get Compensation

Car Accident Law Firm Guiding Clients Through The Legal Process

  • Voted Best Auto Accident Lawyers 2017 By Legal Herald

  • Hundreds Of Successful Verdicts & Settlements For Former Clients

  • Our Legal Team Puts The Heat On Negligent Drivers & Insurance Companies

Each day in Westchester County, NY hundreds of people become the victims of a car accident. Common types of accidents include:

  • rear-end accidents
  • sideswipes
  • head-on collisions
  • drunk driving accidents

In each instance, there is a driver behind the wheel who acts negligently and causes the accident. While car insurance may help to provide some financial relief to the victims of the accident it’s surprising how quickly policies can reach their limit. This means that suddenly, people with serious injuries are left to find a way to pay for their own medical expenses frequently during a time where they are unable to return to work.

Our law firm completely understands how stressful this time is which is why we do everything we can to make sure that car accident victims get the compensation they need to cover not only their past losses but also those that will likely pop up in the future. Often, the best way to make this happen is through a lawsuit.

A car accident lawsuit in Thornwood can provide full compensation for all medical expenses, lost wages, physical suffering, and emotional trauma. The total amount that can be obtained varies for each client and is based on the actual losses that have been sustained by the client.

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man at hospital after car accident
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Lawyer – Your Pain Is Our Pain

Medical Malpractice Attorney Helping Patients Move Past The Suffering They’ve Endured

  • We’ve Helped Patients Hurt By Surgical Mistakes, Prescription Errors, Birth Injuries & More

  • Numerous Successful Outcomes

  • We Stand Against Negligent Hospitals & Doctors

Have you or a loved one required extensive medical care because of a medical mistake? Are you now drowning in debt thanks to medical bills? Our attorneys may be able to help you get the compensation that you need to pay those bills.

When any medical professional fails to follow the standard of care and injured their patient, they have committed medical malpractice. But it’s not the medical professional that suffers. Instead, their patients often have to undergo testing, surgeries, and other procedures that they otherwise wouldn’t have needed. In the worst cases, the patient dies because of medical malpractice.

Our law firm helps patients or the loved ones of a patient who has died pursue justice through a med mal lawsuit. The awards and settlements that come from these lawsuits can help to pay for:

  • medical bills
  • lost wages
  • physical trauma
  • emotional distress
  • funeral and burial expenses
  • the loss of consortium

Call our office now to learn more about how we will pursue justice on your behalf. Keep in mind that there are strict time limits on all lawsuits and you should call as soon as possible.

Trial Attorney – Let Us Stand By Your Side

Work Accident Law Firm Making Sure Injured Workers Get Paid

  • We Handle Workers’ Comp & Work Injury Lawsuits

  • Our Goal Is Client Satisfaction

  • Decades Of Experience

No one believes that they are going to work and that they will be injured by the end of the day. Yet that is exactly what happens to millions of Americans each year. On the job injuries are often severe and can prevent the employee from ever returning to their previous job.

Workers’ comp insurance exists to help injured workers but the insurance companies don’t like to pay claims.  An average year results in around 65% of all workers’ comp claims denied outright, leaving the applicants with huge medical expenses to pay. Although an appeal can be filed, the courts have so many appeals to handle that there is a two-year backlog on court dates.

Let our lawyers help you with your workers’ comp claim. We know what is needed to get it approved the first time it is filed. If you’ve already received a denial, we can help you with our appeal as well. In addition to this, we can determine if you are eligible to file a work injury lawsuit.

A lawsuit can be filed at the same time as workers’ comp and is filed against the party whose negligence caused your accident and subsequent injuries. A settlement or award obtained can help to cover costs that workers’ comp cannot, such as lost wages, physical suffering, and emotional trauma.

Call us now to learn more about our legal team. We are ready to answer all of your questions. If you're located in near Yorktown Heights, visit:

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