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Bronx Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers

Almost 40 percent of Bronx nursing homes rank below the state and national average for quality of care. Most of the low ratings are attributed to understaffing. That spells danger for one of the nation’s most densely populated areas. In fact, it’s practically a national epidemic of mistreatment.

Nursing Home Negligence, Neglect and Abuse

Being a Bronx nursing home neglect lawyer is a tough but rewarding call to duty. The elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in society, and they deserve better than to be neglected or abused. Setting things right is what we do.

Family members of neglected and abused elderly deserve better too. They turned over the care of their loved ones to people representing themselves as professionals. Their money was taken and the care they paid for was never provided. Worse, their trust was taken advantage of. It’s our duty to future generations of elderly to stop this mistreatment now.

Many speak of nursing home negligence, neglect and abuse as though they’re the same thing. They’re not.

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What is Neglect?

Neglect in a nursing home is when there is a failure to prevent harm. The appearance of bed sores is an example of neglect, because the staff failed to turn your loved one with sufficient frequency to prevent the formation of the painful skin ulcers that give infectious germs entry to the body. Sometimes gangrene develops which can cause the loss of a limb or death. Neglect can be physiological, psychological, medical or educational.

What Constitutes Abuse?

Abuse is when nursing home personnel deliberately mistreat your loved one. The mistreatment can be verbal, physical, financial, sexual or spiritual. Horrifically, it’s the most vulnerable of the vulnerable that are most likely to be abused. Patients with disabilities or dementia are the most likely people of all to be abused by their caretakers. Up to 90 percent of people with disabilities are likely to experience some form of abuse and around 50 percent of people with dementia will be abuse victims at some point.

What Does Negligence Mean?

Nursing home negligence is when either neglect or abuse has taken place, or when both have occurred. We pursue all three to the fullest extent of the law. It’s not just because they’re wrong, illegal and immoral, which they certainly are. This kind of foul treatment can lead to other harm to your loved one such as the lack of recovery from an illness or extended pain and suffering.

Is Your Loved One A Victim?

Shamefully, the answer is likely to be “yes.” A compilation of data by the government confirms that large numbers of elderly in long-term care are abused. There were 3.2 million Americans in long-term care in 2008. Of those, the following was reported:

  • About seven percent of complaints included reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. That’s 224,000 people.
  • A study in 2000 reported that 44 percent of nursing home residents said they had been abused. That’s 1.4 million people.
  • The same study said that 95 percent of people in these facilities had either experienced or saw another resident neglected. That’s 3 million people reporting the same thing.

Act Quickly to Stop Abuse

It’s important to act quickly when nursing home negligence of any kind is suspected. It’s very easy for wrongdoers to cover their tracks and eliminate evidence. Get the help of professionals who have seen these conditions before and know what to do. Prevent the destruction of evidence that can allow the mistreatment to go on.

Nursing Homes: Is It Really That Bad?

The Bronx is home to many nursing homes, which means the chances of elderly abuse and neglect are always present. However, a nursing home with a higher rating is likely to have more staff members and a better quality of care. Nursing homes in the Bronx with the lowest ratings include the following:

  • Williamsbridge Manor Nursing Home (1 star)
  • University Nursing Home (1 star)
  • Throgs Neck Extended Care Facility (1 star)
  • Regeis Care Center (1 star)
  • Pelham Parkway Nursing Center and Rehab Facility (1 star)
  • Morris Park Nursing and Rehab Center (1 star)
  • Gold Crest Care Center (1 star)
  • East Haven Nursing and Rehab Center (1 star)

Contact Us Today

The attorneys of Banville Law have dealt with many cases of elderly abuse and neglect in the Bronx and surrounding boroughs. We will do everything possible to ensure the evidence of mistreatment is preserved and that you and your loved ones are treated with the respect and dignity you deserve. Call us immediately for a free consultation and instructions about what to do next.

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