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How Can Victims Get Compensation After A Wakeboarding Accident?

There hasn’t been a civilization in the history of mankind that didn’t enjoy playing in the water. Over time, thanks to new inventions and more powerful engines, new sports have been created that test the physical talents of anyone who is brave enough to try, including wakeboarding.

Of course, whenever you combine high speeds, power, and a boat making a large wake, certain dangers are created and even though accidents aren’t typically caused by the wakeboarder themselves, they often pay the price.

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Who Is Responsible For My Vacation Accident?

Typically in a wakeboarding accident, the party responsible for the accident may be:

The Operator Of The Boat

In most cases, the wakeboarder is being pulled by someone driving a boat. If the operator of the boat crashes or pulls the wakeboarder into a deck or other object, they may be held responsible for any injuries that are sustained.

A Company

How on earth could a company be responsible for an accident? When the accident is caused by a defective product. When someone designs and manufactures a product, they are expected to create something that will act in the manner they describe to consumers.

For example, in one case a plaintiff pursued a lawsuit against a manufacturer after the binding he was using didn’t release when it should have. Due to the failure to release, enough stress was put on his legs that the bone broke, resulting in a spiral fracture of the femur. He was required to be in a hip to ankle cast and was unable to care for himself, staying hospitalized for six weeks and then at home, his wife needed to stay home from work to care for him for an extended period of time.

Someone Else On The Water

Other boat drivers, wakeboarders, passengers on jet ski’s, and water skiers may fail to pay attention and stay out of the victim’s path, resulting in a collision.

What Can A Wakeboarder Do After An Accident?

The moments after an accident are painful and confusing, not to mention stressful. Being seriously injured is shocking enough, but a second shock often comes when the victim sees their medical bills and finds out that they won’t be able to return to work for some time, if ever.

So what can a victim do?

Lawsuits: Often A Victim’s Only Option

Personal injury lawsuits were designed to protect those who have been injured due to another party’s negligence. This form of legal action has the potential to provide the victim with:

Coverage Of Medical Expenses

Hospital bills add up quickly and even with great health insurance, the victim may find themselves thousands of dollars in debt or more if they sustain injuries serious enough to require ongoing care.

Payments To Cover Lost Wages

If the victim is unable to return to their chosen career for days, weeks, months or if they will never be able to return, the damages awarded in a lawsuit could cover their past and future lost wages.

Compensation For Physical Suffering

Sometimes an injury can’t be completely healed, leaving a victim with extensive scarring, chronic pain, or an amputated body part. While money can’t bring their physical health back, additional funds may be awarded to ease their suffering.

Payments For Emotional Turmoil

Shock, physical pain, and the memories of the accident can cause depression, anxiety, and PTSD, all of which can leave lasting emotional and mental damage. Although these conditions can be treated, antidepressants and therapy are expensive.

In every personal injury case, there is a statute of limitations, meaning the victim only has a specific period of time to file and obtain compensation. That’s why it’s incredibly important to contact an attorney as quickly as possible.

How Can An Vacation Accident Attorney Help?

In addition to investigating the accident and identifying which party or parties are responsible, a New York vacation accident lawyer can handle all of the necessary paperwork, talk to the insurance companies, interview witnesses, negotiate settlements, and represent and fight for their client’s rights in the courtroom.

Can I Afford To File A Wakeboard Accident Lawsuit?

You might be wondering how you can afford to pay for a lawyer when you are already struggling to pay the bills. At Banville Law, we completely understand how stressful this entire situation is. That’s why we work with out clients on a contingency fee basis.

This means that our fee, which is always discussed up front, is taken directly out of the compensation you obtain through a settlement or court judgement. If we fail to get you the compensation you deserve then we don’t get paid. It’s as simple as that.

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